Zuda, Zuda

Glenn Hauman

Glenn is VP of Production at ComicMix. He has written Star Trek and X-Men stories and worked for DC Comics, Simon & Schuster, Random House, arrogant/MGMS and Apple Comics. He's also what happens when a Young Turk of publishing gets old.

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7 Responses

  1. Sean Rickets says:

    Careful, your bias is showing.

  2. Steve Horton says:

    There were Static Shock toys. They did a Burger King promotion.

  3. Glenn Hauman says:

    You're right; I should have clarified– Milestone toys for sale.

  4. Adriane Nash says:

    And those toys were based on the cartoon not the comic, there weren't any toys in the 90s when the books weere being published.

  5. Vinnie Bartilucci says:

    Pretty much, it sounds like DC doesn't expect to deal with too many legally savvy creators, which is why they plan to keep the contracts fairly straightforward. Odds are if they get no takers, that policy will change. But odds are they'll get lots of takers. And out of them, maybe a fraction of one percent will ever rise to a level of popularity that challenging the generic contract will ever be an issue."Ask the fellows at Milestone how well that worked out for them– or for that matter, ask DC why there were never any toys for Static, and still aren't."Well, can YOU tell us why there were no Milestone toys for sale? Or better still, can Michael Davis? Or are you just assuming there was some reason or action (or lack of action) that kept there from being Milestone toys, as opposed to just no one being willing to take the chance to make them? New things are a risk, and not everyone is willing to take a risk.

    • Mike Gold says:

      One of the reasons you pick up intellectual property is for its exploitation value. However, you do have to actively exploit those properties. A great many IP holders tend to back-burner certain properties that are creator-owned or partially creator-owned in favor of those properties which they own outright or in which they own a larger share. For example, Matt Groening and his people have made such claims against Fox with respect to their Futurama teevee show, which was punted all over Fox's schedule despite its continued popularity. It took them this long to convince Fox that there was D2DVD potential — and it took Viacom's Cartoon Network underwriting it all to get it off the ground.Plenty of comics, from time to time, have been kept alive because of their merchandising and licensing revenue. From time to time, those creators who felt short-shrifted pursued legal action, and sometimes they've won.

  6. Avram says:

    Doesn't Creative Commons also do the plain-English/lawyerese two-versions thing? Has it been a problem for them?