MIKE BARON on writing

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7 Responses

  1. Elayne Riggs says:

    Knowing your political persuasion, I'm going to seek out the illustrated S&W now just because you said not to. :)

  2. Martha Thomases says:

    Elayne, my politics are closer to yours than to Mike's, and I've known Moira Kalman, the illustrator, for years, and I prefer the non-illustrated version. PC has nothing to do with it — I'd rather read the text than look at pictures in this specific case.

  3. mike baron says:

    Just because I wrote in Gengis Kahn on the last Presidential ticket! I thought he was Jenette's cousin.

  4. Elayne Riggs says:

    Aw Martha, you're no fun (you fell right over) — Mike and I usually have the chance to work up a much better head of steam than that! ;)

  5. Steve Horton says:

    There's a very interesting thread on writing on The Engine – many pros have contributed. Check it out.http://the-engine.net/forum/messages.php?webtag=E

  6. Rick Oliver says:

    I stopped reading about how to write after The Da Vinci Code became a monster bestseller. Obviously, knowing anything about writing is a serious impediment to commercial success. And don't get me started on Ayn Rand.My apologies in advance if this comment is credited to "Your Name". I work in the computer software industry and I can't seem to figure out how to use this spiffy interface. Oh, there it is. The invisible name field only appears after you click "Add Your Comments" — with an alert symbol intended to make you think this should have been obvious all along.

  7. Linda Gold says:

    Thanks Rick, I couldn't figure this out either!