Neal Adams does the ComicMix Big Weekend Broadcast

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2 Responses

  1. Russ Rogers says:

    Action! Oh, yeah. The best episode of "The Original Johnson" so far. Tightly plotted. Nothing drags. The sweeping two page spread give a real sense of excitement, adventure and grand scale to the story. And the tumble down the stairs on page 39 is particularly nice. Three moments in time [three "panels"] are captured in one big frame. That's clever and well executed. And Jack is shown to be tough, resourceful and smart in one crisp vignette. I loved it!The writing here isn't preachy or wordy. The story has focus. For the first time, the writing feels as good as the art. And the art remains fantastic.

  2. russ carreiro says:

    The art is great here. The city scenes and the action are great. One of the better projects on this site for sure.