Star Trek My Eye!, by John Ostrander

John Ostrander

John Ostrander started his career as a professional writer as a playwright. His best known effort, Bloody Bess, was directed by Stuart Gordon, and starred Dennis Franz, Joe Mantegna, William J. Norris, Meshach Taylor and Joe Mantegna. He has written some of the most important influential comic books of the past 25 years, including Batman, The Spectre, Manhunter, Firestorm, Hawkman, Suicide Squad, Wasteland, X-Men, and The Punisher, as well as Star Wars comics for Dark Horse. New episodes of his creator-owned series, GrimJack, which was first published by First Comics in the 1980s, appear every week on ComicMix.

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3 Responses

  1. Jeffrey Frawley says:

    I fear you are correct about the producers' failure of nerve in repeating the past rather than exploring the future of Star Trek. Klingons may have been too coopted into the Federation to serve as the kind of enemies they were on the original series, but Romulans may still serve, and it would be even better to introduce a new adversary. The extrapolation of future technology may not be among the writers' strong suits, but you are right that they should be doing much better at it.

    • Jonathan (the other says:

      The original series had episodes by the likes of Theodore Sturgeon, Harlan Ellison, and David Gerrold (even if they did edit the point right out of Gerrold's second episode, "The Cloud Minders"). The ensuing series *should have* been trying to solicit scripts from the likes of Allan Steele, John Varley, and William Gibson. The fact that, for the most part, they stuck to more traditional scriptwriters, may have hampered their foresight some.

  2. Marilee J. Layman says:

    I have glaucoma, but mine was caused by long-term high-dose prednisone. It's in remission now. I expect the laser to be used to take out cataracts soon. But my opthalmologist is part of my HMO, so I get my BP taken with a machine that also checks heart rate and pulseox.I haven't seen any of the other Star Trek movies, so I don't know if I'll see this one.