Henry Cavill Forced Out of ‘Superman’… Guess Who’s Wearing the Cape Now

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7 Responses

  1. Jordan Lee says:

    I get it that this is some kind of April Fool’s joke?

  2. freakydrew says:

    the newswire this morning actually reporting they were going to be using CGI and old clips and actually have Christopher Reeve in the role, albeit in digital spirit only

  3. Pittydafool says:

    April fools all the way!!!!

  4. seth says:

    yeah i gotta call april fools on that

  5. dsc says:

    Thank god it was no april 1st. It’s really scary when you read it a few months later and april 1st isn’t in your mind anymore. Actually that’s the only type of circumstance that make april fools work, when you see it any other day.

  1. October 18, 2011

    […] ComicMix condemns all such shenanigans as juvenile and […]