Today, We Are One, by Mike Gold

Mike Gold

ComicMix's award-winning and spectacularly shy editor-in-chief Mike Gold also performs the weekly two-hour Weird Sounds Inside The Gold Mind ass-kicking rock, blues and blather radio show on The Point, and on iNetRadio, (search: Hit Oldies) every Sunday at 7:00 PM Eastern, rebroadcast three times during the week – check above for times and on-demand streaming information.

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11 Responses

  1. MARK WHEATLEY says:

    Happy Birthday ComicMix! Of course it is closer to a three year mark if we go back to the beginning. And it has been a fascinating and rewarding (almost) three years. I can't wait to do the next three.

  2. Sal Loria says:

    Congrats on the one year anniversary. Here's to many more!

  3. Bev Keddy says:

    I feel I have to comment on this Jack Johnson novel. Obviously, I haven't read it, or seen it. I just want to express the hope that Tommy Burns' memory is not further diminished as a result of this graphic novel. Burns was not a bum. He deserves a place in the list as the top heavyweights of all time. I have read a book about Tommy Burns, which focuses a great deal on the Burns-Johnson fight. It was not the blowout you might have expected. As I wrote at the beginning of this post: I just hope that the GN will not slag the memory of poor Tommy Burns more than it already has been for the last 100 years.

    • Mike Gold says:

      Interesting comment; thanks. We'll pass it along to Trevor.

      • Bev Keddy says:

        Thank you. It is just that Tommy Burns' reputation has been slagged for 100 years now, by people who don't know what they're talking about.Tommy Burns (born Noah Brusso) should be a hero because he was the first white fighter to agree to fight black fighters. Others refused, saying they were too gentlemanly to do so, or they were out and out racists, referring to Jack Johnson by the N-word. They were afraid they'd lose, is why they wouldn't fight Johnson, of course!Burns fought Johnson, and did not win. He didn't lose either, exactly, as the fight was called off. But because he didn't destroy Johnson, he was vilified by the press, because the title then went to a black man. People like Jack London (yes, that Jack London!) wrote long opinion pieces about that match, making Burns look as if he had lost handily, when Burns got lots of good punches in.After the fight, Johnson called a press conference where he said that Burns was no good. Johnson then checked himself into a hospital where he later admitted to urinating blood. A couple of points.Johnson would never agree to a re-match with Burns. I wonder why?Burns continues, 50+ years after his death, to hold records. He only had one actual defeat in his career, and the Johnson fight doesn't count.Mike Tyson referred to Burns as a good fighter.I can cite everything I just wrote. The book is excellent, and is fully cited as well. I can send you a link if you are interested.I am sorry for being so passionate about this. It is just that poor Tommy Burns' reputation has been slagged for so long, literally 100 years, and I hate to hear about further, even inadvertent, attempts to besmirch this man's reputation.Back to comics talk!Bev

        • Alan Coil says:

          But it IS comics talk, Bev! Good to see you're still around.

          • Bev Keddy says:

            Thanks, Alan. I may have left that other board, but have been busy with my own blog. Have more than 110 posts in less than 2 months. Not sure if I am allowed to post the name of my blog here, but you can write me off the board and I'll be happy to supply the name.Not that much comics talk, actually, but my blog has pictures of me on it. And lots of comments on what is happening in my life.Bev

  4. Alan Coil says:

    Congrats on the anniversary. And they said it couldn't be done! ;)

  5. Howard Johnson says:

    I'd like to slip in past the Johnson-Burns comments to congratulate all on a great first year, and wish you a whole lot more!

  6. Michael Davis says:

    I did not see this. I have had the flu for what seems like forever and not been reading a lot of stuff these days. But Happy Birthday AND Valentine Day! No, Mike I will not be yours.

  7. Jim Martin says:

    Congrats on getting this far. I have only been an occasional visitor but the material for free here is as good and better then much of what is being published monthly.