Interview: Mark Evanier on ‘Kirby: King of Comics’

Rick Marshall

Rick Marshall was Online Managing Editor for ComicMix before joining MTV's SplashPage. Previously, he was Online Content Manager for Wizard Entertainment. He has written for several daily newspapers, alternative weekly newspapers, trade magazines and online media, and was named "Writer of the Year" by the New York Press Association in 2005.

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7 Responses

  1. Vinnie Bartilucci says:

    I met Kirby exactly once, at a Fred Greenberg show in NYC. He had a bandaged wrist, and was happy to shake your hand, but couldn't sketch or sign anything. The general belief/rumor around the show was there was in fact nothing wrong with Jack's hand, but he wore (or was talked into wearing) the bandage as a polite way to avoid having to sign or draw endlessly over the weekend. As much of a missed chance it was for me, I couldn't begrudge him a rest.Raw unbridled creativity, on the level of Leonard of Quirm. One of those brains that could tap into the wild magic of creative throught that bounce around us every day. Add to that a love for what he did, tied with an old school work ethic. That was Kirby.And as for mark, he has a LOT of stories about Hollywood that make the comics world seem positively mundane. He tells great stories about when he got to work with Stan Freberg. He'd get messages from Stan on his machine like "Hello Mark, this is your idol speaking…"

  2. Tim Tyler says:

    I love the New book. I just wish there were about a thousand more pages. I had lunch with Jack at a Chicago comicon back in the 80's. I dont remember what put him on the subject, but he began telling my friend and I war stories. One, had Jack jumping onto a tank, and turning an enemy tank turrent by hand, away from his platoon, thus saving their lives………….Even how amazing it sounds, to this day, I still want to believe it was true. lol

  3. Kirk G says:

    I have purchased the book, and enjoyed what I skimmed the first night I had it. At 2 a.m., I had to turn in, but I was struck by how NON-confrontational it is. There's almost nothing actionable in the book, which makes me think that it will be accepted by lots of people as the definitive look at Jack's career. Certainly, it's a beautiful coffeetable book. And a fine work, and fine tribute to the king. I liked it. You will too.

  4. Alan Coil says:

    My Father-In-Law had arthritis. He had to tell people to be gentle when they shook his hand. On days when the pain was particularly intense, he would just wave when they put out their hand.

    • Marilee J. Layman says:

      (had to sign in)Years ago, I was on long-term high-dose prednisone, so my immune system was depressed. I couldn't shake hands because of the infection risk, so when people put their hand out, I'd just bow a little.

  5. Mike Gold says:

    This may be the most important book ever written about American comics. Not just for its subject matter, nor for the top-rate writing and awesome graphics… but because it will be in thousands and thousands of libraries. It will break out of the graphic novel ghetto in the big box bookstores and into the even more popular biography section. It will get "serious" reviews. In other words, it will get exactly what it deserves.

  6. Chris Ullrich says:

    I already have mine. Had it pre-ordered at Amazon since the first day you could do it. Great book about a great man.