Brian K. Vaughan on Lost and Y: the Last Man

Rick Marshall

Rick Marshall was Online Managing Editor for ComicMix before joining MTV's SplashPage. Previously, he was Online Content Manager for Wizard Entertainment. He has written for several daily newspapers, alternative weekly newspapers, trade magazines and online media, and was named "Writer of the Year" by the New York Press Association in 2005.

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1 Response

  1. Brian Alvey says:

    I think if I were to answer too specifically, a future version of myself would appear and assassinate me.I can totally see Roger Clemens using that in his Congressional hearings and I predict that it will come to be known as "The Terminator Defense." It will later be revealed that Clemens was never using steroids — that he was a robot sent here from the future to save the entire game of baseball from players like Sosa, McGwire and Bonds who were actually using steroids.I will cry real tears when Roger completes his mission and terminates himself.So will you all.